In a world made more uncertain by the advance of new technologies, automation, and artificial intelligence, combined with sudden shocks like pandemics and extreme weather, the most essential skills involve your ability to manage risks and navigate uncertainty. How will jobs and the workplace transform -and what do you need to do to be ready?
As technology takes over more takes and re-shapes the workplace, the most successful careers will involve the kinds of skills that humans possess but machines do not: strategy, empathy, teamwork, and creativity. Every single one of these is tied closely to how we view risk. Creativity and innovation are closely tied to how well a person tolerates uncertainty and ambiguity. Risk-reward calculations are central to forming strategies and making good decisions. We need empathy to understand how employees and team members feel about risk, and thus to make sure that their different profiles strengthen the team instead of feeding conflicts.
Businesses must adapt to disruption or perish; policy makers must provide an ecosystem to ease a difficult transition; and workers must develop new skills. As “gig economy” platforms increase the number of people working for themselves increases, definitions of career and HR risks are changing. Are companies responding in smart ways?
Participants will take away the following insights:
* Why the key skills employers need are tied to your ability to manage risk and uncertainty
* How risk awareness and risk empathy can improve teamwork and relationships with key stakeholders
* What to ask about an organization’s risk culture when deciding whether or not it’s a good match for you
* The importance of creating a healthy risk portfolio across career, health, finance, and relationships
* What companies need to consider in their benefits packages
* Strategies for interacting with contract and “gig” workers
This program is perfect for:
- Senior management focused on human capital strategy
- HR Professionals building human capital
- Teams needing help managing change
- Leaders seeking to catalyze innovation
Format: 1.5 hour to 1/2 day interactive workshop with breakouts. Can be customized to include follow-up (breakouts can be separated out depending on group size) and read-out report.
Audio and video topic previews:
“Women and Risk,” Advancing All Women podcast from NextUp with Sarah Alter
“Is Your Business Risky Enough?” Virtual panel on Grey Consulting #IRL Series
“Risk and the Future of Work: How to Thrive Amidst Uncertainty” Virtual panel hosted by FlexJobs
“Strategies to Manage 4IR,” World Knowledge Forum, Seoul
“You Are What You Risk with Michele Wucker,” The Wall Street Coach
“Innovation, Opportunity, and Risk,” InnovaBuzz podcast
“Risk and the Future of Work: How to Thrive Amidst Uncertainty,” FlexJobs virtual panel
“You Are What You Risk with Michele Wucker,” The Wall Street Coach
“How to Make Better Decisions,” Partnering Leadership
“Navigating Flux and Risks,” Flip the Script podcast
Portfolio Careers Podcast with David Nebinski
This program is based on insights developed in YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK: The New Art and Science of Managing an Uncertain World. Enquire about bulk book sales as part of a speaking package.