A New Way to Think about Uncertainty and Change

“This was one of our BEST sessions. Michele was amazing, personable and engaging. The topic was so apt especially with the ever-changing environment around us.” –Corporate Client
Is sitting still or making a bold move the bigger risk in business and life? Do you see opportunity where a colleague sees danger or vice versa? Do you look before you leap or just take the plunge? When you see an obvious problem, do you face it head on or do your best to ignore it? These questions shape every choice you make and every risk you take and identify you as distinctively as a fingerprint. Recognizing why you answer them the way you do can help you to make better decisions in your career and life. Understanding how those around you see and respond to risk will help you to better connect with your clients and collaborate with colleagues.
In this talk, you will learn about some of the surprising reasons —like what you had for lunch or the mix of people in the room— that affect how people see and respond to the risks around us, and put that knowledge to work for you. Recognize how risk stereotypes can trip you up. Understand the feedback loop between your personality and habits, your workplace culture, and the risks you can and cannot control. Finally, learn how to build on your strengths and when to turn to others to optimize your risk relationship.
Risk empathy is the ability to understand how others experience risks and adapt your own behavior to meet those needs. Just as analyzing your own risk fingerprint -that is, the influences behind the risks you take- gives you valuable insights into your own risk choices, seeking insights into the risk fingerprints of your colleagues, clients, friends, and family can be a powerful tool in business and life.
Participants will leave with:
- The ability to analyze your own risk fingerprint
- Powerful questions and strategies for understanding the risk fingerprints of those around you
- Tools for developing risk empathy and team building
- A understanding of the dangers of risk stereotyping and how to avoid it
This program is perfect for:
- Senior management
- Teams with new leaders or otherwise managing change
- Teams managing back-to-the-office or hybrid workplace transitions from work-at-home
- Boards of directors
- Strategic planning meetings
- Career and leadership training
- Sales training
This program is based on insights developed in YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK: The New Art and Science of Managing an Uncertain World. Ask about bulk book sales as part of a speaking package.
Preview Audio and Video:
“Act Quickly and Adapt Smartly,” Virtual Interview, Economic Times HR World Phoenix APAC Summit, India
“How to Make Better Decisions,” Partnering Leadership podcast with Mahan Tavakoli
“What Is Risk?” Electric Ladies podcast with Joan Michelson
“You Are What You Risk,” Dan Hill’s EQ Spotlight
“How Can Individuals’ Risk Personalities Affect Global Risk Management and ESG Adoption?” Boardroom and Beyond podcast
“What You Need To Know About Risk” on People First! with Morag Barrett
“Portfolio Careers Podcast” with David Nebinski