JANUARY 10, 2022

Bill Yeargin, CEO of the custom boat company Correct Craft and author of the book Education of a CEO, wrote about gray rhino risks, both past and present, in his industry in an article for the Trade Only website entitled “Charge of the Gray Rhinos” and published January 10, 2022.
“Our team has reviewed a lot of deals where the business owner (the seller) ignored a gray rhino until it was too late,” Yeargin wrote. “By the time I met with the owner, he was trying to sell a company that either had a gray rhino charging or the damage already was done, leaving the company a shell of its past self. The decision to ignore the risk significantly reduced the value of the company, which is often also the accumulation of the seller’s lifetime of work.”
What are his top worries today? Technological change, retail market normalization, employee acquisition and retention, leadership succession, and consumer demands for social responsibility.
YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK is now available in Taiwan as “Find the Gray Rhino in Your Life: Knowing Your Risk Fingerprints and turning a Crisis into Opportunity,” published by Commonwealth (Tianxia/World Culture).
Use your browser translator (if needed) to read this profile in Global Views Monthly Magazine published on occasion of the book launch.
Watch video highlights (in English with traditional Chinese character subtitles) below
MARCH 2022

You Are What You Risk is now available in Romanian as Esti Tot Ce Risti, published by Editura Creator.
Esti tot ce risti. Arta stiintei de a naviga printr-o lume incerta.
Esti tot ce risti este un apel clar pentru o conversatie cu totul noua despre relatia noastra cu riscul si incertitudinea. In aceasta carte revolutionara, Michele Wucker analizeaza de ce este atat de important sa intelegeti amprenta de risc si cum sa va faceti relatia de risc sa functioneze mai bine in afaceri, viata si in lume. Bazandu-se pe povesti de risc convingatoare din intreaga lume si tesand in cercetarea economica, antropologie, sociologie si psihologie, Wucker face o punte intre conversatiile profesionale si cele cu risc laic. Ea contesta stereotipurile cu privire la atitudinile de risc, reincadreaza modul in care sunt legate de gen si de risc si arunca o noua lumina asupra diferentelor dintre generatii. Ea arata cum noua stiinta a “personalitatii de risc” remodeleaza afacerile si finantele, cum ecosistemele de risc sanatoase sprijina economiile si societatile si de ce o atitudine dispusa la risc poate rezolva conflictele.
Wucker impartaseste informatii, instrumente practice si strategii dovedite care va vor ajuta sa intelegeti ce va face cine sunteti si sa faceti alegeri mai bune. Esti tot ce risti introduce un nou vocabular pentru a vorbi despre aceste amenintari. Toata lumea are o “amprenta de risc” personalizata care descrie ce fel de risc isi asuma, modelata de personalitatea, educatia si experientele lor. Intarirea “muschiului de risc” te poate ajuta sa iei decizii bune. Wucker se concentreaza pe examinarea situatiilor dificile personale si se apropie de crizele globale, analizand modul in care oamenii se lupta cu alegerile si incertitudinea. – Grist, revista online americana non-profit
Dupa cum ilustreaza Silicon Valley, atitudinile si comportamentele de risc se afla in centrul motivului pentru care organizatiile si economiile prospera sau se indreapta spre dezastru. In Esti tot ce risti, Michele Wucker exploreaza dinamica din spatele relatiilor indivizilor si companiilor cu riscul, de la experienta personala la valorile culturale si pana la ecosistemele politice. Cunostintele sale originale si recomandarile practice ii vor ajuta pe cititori sa aleaga asumarea sanatoasa a riscurilor in locul greselilor periculoase din afaceri, viata si lume. – Deborah Perry Piscione autor al Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Everyone Else Can Learn from the Innovation Capital of the World
Fie ca esti investitor, antreprenor, ca incerci pur si simplu sa-ti croiesti cariera strategic in orice domeniu, vei beneficia de abordarea inovatoare si clara a lui Michele Wucker de a-ti asuma riscuri intelepte si de a naviga in incertitudine. Aceasta carte va va ajuta sa treceti de la obisnuit la extraordinar. – Laura Huang, profesor de administrarea afacerilor la Harvard Business School si autor al Ascendent. Cum sa transformi dificultatile in avantaje
Michele Wucker a inventat termenul de “rinocer gri” care simbolizeaza o noua perspectiva asupra evenimentelor probabile, evidente, de impact si care ne ofera posibilitatea de a alege sa actionam. Ea este autoarea a patru carti influente, inclusiv The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore, care a mutat pietele financiare, a modelat politica guvernamentala si strategiile de afaceri din intreaga lume. Totodata, a inspirat o discutie populara TED care extinde teoria “rinocerului gri” la probleme personale. Fost director media si CEO Think Tank (Grup de experti), este fondatoarea firmei de consultanta strategica Gray Rhino & Company din Chicago. A fost recunoscuta de World Economic Forum ca Young Global Leader si ca bursiera Guggenheim.
APRIL 2022
The affable host Steve Fretzin hosted Michele Wucker on the Be That Lawyer podcast April 25 on “The Risks We Take and Your Risk Fingerprint.
Our wide-ranging conversation about risks from a legal perspective included the difference between litigators’ and contract lawyers’ risk fingerprints, and what attorneys and their clients need to understand about risk empathy.
Key Takeaways
- Do not assume that because something is ever present and talked about means that it is being handled properly or that you aren’t vulnerable to that issue.
- The more you take risks, the more you develop your risk muscle, and the better you get at it.
- By trying to avoid certain risks, you are creating other ones.
- There are ways that we can increase our own risk taking, such as eating spicy foods, cranking the air conditioner, or turning on upbeat music.
Listen on the Be That Lawyer podcast.
Or Listen below on Spotify:
MAY 7, 2022
NextUp Podcast: Debunking Stereotypes on Women and Risk
Sarah Alter, CEO of Next Up, hosted a fantastic conversation about Women and Risk with Michele Wucker, Sarah Pew of UberEats, and Chelsey Alexander of Packable, on the Advancing All Women podcast on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.
We debunk the common misconception that women are less likely to take big risks and talk about the biggest risks we’ve taken in business and life. We also talk about what it takes to make a giant leap, your ‘risk fingerprint,’ and what the data says about women and risk-taking.
CLICK HERE to listen or link to your favorite podcast platform.
Listen on Spotify
JUNE 2022
THE REINVENTION SHOW 🚀#36 | The Gray Rhino in Reinvention In the final Show of the season (we will be back in late August!) Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva and co-host Sherri Sutton, CRP, CPTD, ACC talk with Michele Wucker about how companies can apply risk fingerprint analysis and gray rhino theory to reinvention. Watch the replay on Linkedin or below.
The Reinvention Academy’s free live Easy Reinvention Lab from August 29 to September 2 will discuss “Taming Fatigue & Burn-Out: 5 Tools to Infuse Energy Into Your Life & Work.” Register now! https://bit.ly/3NoWHhE
***** Want more? Join the Reinvention Show every Thursday at 11am Eastern Time (US) for a live conversation on all things reinvention! Have you completed the 2022 Global Reinvention Survey yet? Let’s see what is the speed of change now in comparison to 2 years ago! Here is the link to the survey – and it only takes 4 minutes to complete: https://lnkd.in/dMn7wNjj
JULY 3, 2022
Michele Wucker joined host Jana Hlistova for Episode #64 of The Purse Podcast, aimed at women who want to be smart about money, discussing The Gray Rhino, the Risk Fingerprint, and Why Women Are Good at Taking Risks.
Topics covered include:
- Risk: What is it and how do we perceive it differently based on our own risk fingerprint?
- The gray rhino: How we can apply it to the global economy and the financial markets today?
- How women and men think and act on risk
- Systemic risk and how women can protect themselves
- Women: their finances, investing and building their net worth: what are some of the key risks
- What are the gray rhinos the retail investor needs to watch out for?
Listen below or on your favorite podcast platform:
JULY 2022
YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK is now available in South Korea via Miraebooks
Media coverage:
Maeil Business Newspaper author interview: ‘Grey Rhino’ asks again after 5 years “Your risk fingerprint… Did you understand?”
Maeil Business Newspaper review
Newsis.com review
Econonovil: [Taesan Joo Book Review] “The second ‘gray rhino’ is running, get on it!”
JUNE 10, 2022
Climbing Gold Podcast Explores Risk Fingerprints in Elite Alpinism
Professional adventure rock climber and free solo master Alex Honnold hosted Michele Wucker in two recent episodes of his popular Climbing Gold podcast. The episodes apply lessons from both The Gray Rhino and You Are What You Risk.
May 27: Captain Safety
Alex chats with Michele and Colin Haley, aka Captain Safety, who has shaped his risk fingerprint through two decades of elite alpinism, soloing and identifying risk factors.
June 10: Spotting the Gray Rhino
To manage risk, you first have to see the threat. Best-selling author Michele Wucker and Alex talk about how he evaluates risk, creating safety nets and his greatest fear.
Listen at the link above or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
JULY 27, 2022
Michele Wucker joined Ask a Decision Engineer podcast host Michelle Florendo for Season 4, Episode 9, “How to think about risk” July 27, 2022.
Listen on the podcast home site HERE or on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or below:
Risk. For some people, the very thought sends chills down their spines, yet for others, the topic prompts a sense of thrill. Why is that the case? And what does that mean for how we think about risk in decision making?
To answer those questions and more, I turned to Michele Wucker, author of the books, The Gray Rhino, and You Are What You Risk. We chat about how the way we define risk matters, the layers of factors that make up our risk fingerprint, and things to keep in mind about risk when making group decisions.
Topics Covered
03:11 What brought Michele to studying risk
08:12 The way you define risk, matters
12:26 Awareness is the first step in adjusting your natural tendency
13:14 Risk and group dynamics
16:06 Getting the right kind of diversity in the room to promote better decision making
18:02 The risk fingerprint concept
21:36 Optimizing your risk fingerprint given your personality and experiences
23:59 What feels risky depends on your values
25:13 How to build your risk muscle
25:31 Practice
26:32 Self-awareness
27:47 Surrounding yourself with the right people
28:56 Little hacks
30:14 How risk empathy can improve group decision making
31:25 Questions you can ask to better understand someone else’s risk fingerprint
35:48 Thinking about risk in decisions that have broader impact
39:39 Me-here-now vs. Us-everywhere-forever
41:00 Final words of wisdom
AUGUST 20, 2022
Risk on RTE Radio 1 ReIgnite
Michele Wucker chatted with host Áine Kerr for Ireland’s RTE Radio 1 ReIgnite podcast about gray rhinos, black swans, and risk fingerprints.
Listen HERE , on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or below:
Reignite helps listeners find the motivation, information and tips they need to take an idea and run with it. Host Áine Kerr speaks to inspirational leaders, to acclaimed industry experts who want to share their experience and expertise, and to people who are just starting out on their journeys. 5 weeks, 5 key questions, 5 answers. Reignite: where ideas come to life!
Check out some of the other interviewees in the August 10 episode: Stephen Covey on what the “Trust and Inspire” motto means in practice, Julia Hobsbawn on the Nowhere Office, and Margaret Leahy on taking the business plunge in later years, and the proprietors of the first Ukrainian beauty space in Dublin at George’s Street Arcade.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2022
Michael Gayed, CFA, of The Lead-Lag Report chatted with Michele Wucker live on Twitter Spaces September 10 about “Risk, Gray Rhinos, and Black Swans.” The wide-ranging conversation included the often unrecognized influences on our risk choices, gray rhinos in the market, stock buybacks, and more.
Michael Gayed
Watch below:
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
Dr. Jürgen Strauss talked with Michele Wucker on Episode 548 of Innovabuzz, Australia’s #1 innovation podcast, which dropped November 9, 2022.
Speaking of innovation, Jürgen has minted a digital token to permanently bookmark the episode.
Among the subjects of our conversation:
- the link between risk, opportunity and innovation;
- understanding your risk fingerprint and risk perception to help create ideal conditions for innovation;
- the many unconscious influences that affect our decisions in regards to risk.
Listen to the podcast HERE or watch below to find out more.
DECEMBER 20, 2022
Investment advisor Andrew Stotz interviewed Michele Wucker on Episode 633 of the My Worst Investment Ever Podcast. The result might in some people’s ears be the Best Conversation Ever at least when it comes to the lessons Michele took from personal risks taken and not taken.
Andrew Stotz, PhD, CFA is the CEO of A. Stotz Investment Research, a company that provides institutional and high net worth investors with ready-to-invest stock portfolios that aim to beat the benchmark through superior stock selection. He created the podcast for the millions of people out there who want to LEARN how to invest safely. His interviewees are kind enough share heartbreaking tales of investment woe –whether time, energy, or old-fashioned money– so that listeners can learn from them and keep on winning!
Click HERE for full interview or below.
- The Gray Rhino Wrangler on Substack - January 1, 2025
- Gray Rhino Risks and Responses to Watch in 2024 - January 10, 2024
- In the Media 2023 - December 31, 2023